No milkweed, No monarchs!
The monarch butterfly population is at an all-time low, and other pollinator species are declining as well. The widespread planting of herbicide tolerant corn and soybean, the ethanol mandate, our incessant need to mow, and other practices have led to a rapid loss of habitat. This loss of habitat threatens the monarch migration and the health of our own ecosystem. Monarchs and pollinators need our help.
Milkweed is the only plant monarch caterpillars can eat. Its blooms provide quality nectar for adult monarchs and pollinators. And there are many other insects that depend on milkweed for their survival as well. You can help sustain the monarch migration and the pollinators whose services we depend on. Without milkweed the monarch butterfly may possibly disappear from our Ohio landscape. And we may not be far behind!
The Milkweed Patch, located in Troy, Ohio provides several varieties of Ohio native milkweed and other native plants that support monarch butterflies and other insects. Our plants are meant to be eaten – to feed monarch caterpillars and butterflies. That means no chemicals are ever used on them!